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School Board

Proudly Serving the Students of Libby Public Schools

On behalf of the Libby Public School Board, I want to let you know what an honor and a privilege it is to serve you and the children of this community. By electing us to office, you have put your faith in our commitment to education and to our overall goal of making our schools the best that they can be. That is our promise to you.

Alida Snow
Board Chair

Meeting Schedule
Agenda Meetings: 1st Monday of Each Month
Regular Monthly Meetings: 2nd Monday of Each Month
Special Meetings: Posted on the website (District Calendar)
Meeting Minutes are posted after being approved at the monthly School Board meeting.
Meeting Minutes and Packets
Find the school board meeting minutes for Libby Public Schools here. Buttons will open a Google Drive link in a new window.

School Board Minutes and Packets

Board Policies

Find our school board policies here. Link will redirect you to a Google Drive containing relevant documents.

School Board Policies

School Board Committees. Committee moderator indicated by *.

Building & Grounds: Ellen Johnston, Sam Rosling*, Alida Snow
Curriculum: Bgee Zimmerman*, Rob Delmas
Negotiations: Rob Delmas, Alida Snow, Bgee Zimmerman*
Policy Review: Sam Rosling, Bgee Zimmerman*
Technology: Sam Rosling, Alida Snow*
Budget & Finance: Alida Snow, Kristan Martin*
Calendar: Alida Snow*, Kristan Martin
Insurance: Bgee Zimmerman
Wellness & Safety: Ellen Johnston*, Rob Delmas
Transportation: Kristan Martin

School Board Members

The Libby Public School Board Members proudly serve the students of our community. We enjoy hearing from our community!

Ellen Johnston

Sam Rosling

Katie Benjamin

Bgee Zimmerman

Alida Snow

Rob Delmas

Kristan Martin