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LMHS Student Handbook and Documents

The purpose of this handbook is to provide guidance for students and their parents. This handbook contains information that students and parents are likely to need during the school year.   All of the contents of this book are approved by the Board of Trustees and are either in Board Policy or are in the Administrative Regulations. Please be aware that this document is updated annually; while policy adoption and revision are ongoing processes, any changes in policy that affect the student handbook provisions will be made available to students and parents in various forms. Among these are daily announcements, online newsletters, District website, your student’s homeroom and other communications.

Administrators and teachers are required to enforce all of the regulations fairly, evenly and consistently.  They apply to all students, parents, guardians and visitors. No policy can possibly cover all of the situations that may arise, so administrators are given wide discretion in managing the school environment and student behavior.  Parents and students are expected to become familiar with this handbook and are urged to contact the administration with questions and concerns. This handbook has been revised for the 2018-19 school year. While every attempt has been made to include as much as possible and to make it as accurate as possible, there may be some errors and omissions.  When these are discovered they will be corrected and the corrections published in the daily announcements and online on our website. These changes will generally supersede provisions found in this handbook that have been made obsolete by newly adopted policy. Students cannot plead “ignorance of the law” if these changes in policy have been in the announcements.

These are online documents related to Online Registration.  The documents can also be printed out to go over with your student.

2023-2024 Libby Middle High School Handbook